We strive to keep our clients informed about the latest rules and regulations impacting construction projects in Dhaka and across Bangladesh. If you're planning a project, whether a residential duplex, triplex, apartment, or a commercial building, it’s crucial to understand the current process for obtaining construction permits from RAJUK (Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha - রাজধানী উন্নয়ন কর্তৃপক্ষ (রাজউক) ).
Today we will discuss about DAP 2022-2035, ECPS, BNBC 2020 and RAJUK Emarot Nirman Bidhimala 2024
Let’s break down the new requirements and updates to simplify things for you.
Electronic Construction Permitting System (ECPS)
RAJUK has now fully digitized the construction permit process through its Electronic Construction Permitting System (ECPS), available at rajuk.ecps.gov.bd.
This online system makes the approval process faster and more transparent.
You are now required to submit all working drawings online, including:
Architectural Drawings (Amonia Approval Drawings)
Structural Working Drawings
Electrical Working Drawings
Plumbing Working Drawings
All these drawings must comply with the latest DAP 2022-2023, Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC) 2020 standards and Emarot Nirman Bidhimala 2008.
Building Codes and Standards
BNBC 2020
The BNBC, first drafted in 1993, became a legally binding document in 2006 under the Building Construction Act. The latest update, BNBC 2020, introduces stricter guidelines for structural integrity, fire safety, and environmental sustainability.

Emarot Nirman Bidhimala 2024 (Building Construction Rules)
We are currently following the 2008 version, but a new draft of Emarot Nirman Bidhimala 2024 is awaiting approval. Once gazetted, it will replace the older rules, and all new projects will need to adhere to this updated framework.
Introduction of DAP 2022-2035
RAJUK introduced the Detailed Area Plan (DAP) in 2022, with a revision version in 2023. DAP has significantly changed the way construction is planned, especially regarding Floor Area Ratios (FAR).

Here's what you need to know:
What’s New in DAP 2022-2035 ? and RAJUK FAR ?
DAP will have impact on only residential plots. Other types of occupancies (like commercial or industrial) follow the older rules under Emarot Nirman Bidhimala 2008.
Planning Permit Replaces Land Use Clearance -
Previously, before applying for a construction permit, land use clearance was mandatory. Now, a Planning Permit is required instead.
The new Planning Permit specifies
The allowable Floor Area Ratio [FAR]
Total Build area
The maximum number of units
Floor Area Ratio [FAR] : Area FAR and Road FAR
Road FAR is determined by the width of the plot’s access road.
Area FAR depends on the population density, existing infrastructure, and community facilities in the area.
The combination of Area FAR and Road FAR determines your allowable buildable area and number of units.
Note: Unlike before, there’s no universal Plot FAR. Everything is based on the location and road access.
Block-Based Development for Large Plots
For plots larger than 1 bigha (20 khatha), a Block-Based Development system is introduced.

How These Changes Affect You: Challenges and Concerns
While the Detailed Area Plan (DAP 2022-2035) aims to address population density and ensure sustainable development, it has introduced several challenges that may hinder the flexible growth of Dhaka City. It is essential to address these concerns for a better understanding of how the new regulations may impact Building Construction Industry, Real estate Sector and Urban growth.
Discrimination Between Wards of DHAKA CITY
The introduction of Area FAR creates significant disparities across different wards in Dhaka City.
Some areas now have higher development potential, while others face strict limitations.
This inequality discourages uniform development and creates a fragmented cityscape where opportunities vary widely, leading to unfair advantages for certain neighborhoods.
Such discrimination hinders balanced urban growth and may force investors, agencies and developers to prioritize specific areas, leaving others underutilized or stagnant. This is very dangerous approach.
Over time, this could lead to a widening gap between developed and underdeveloped zones, exacerbating existing inequalities within Dhaka City. Neighborhoods with higher FAR will attract more investment, better infrastructure, and increased economic activity, while areas with lower FAR may experience slower growth, reduced property values, and a lack of modern facilities.
This uneven development can strain the city's overall infrastructure, as overburdened neighborhoods struggle to accommodate the influx of people and services, while underdeveloped areas remain underutilized and deprived of opportunities. Such a scenario undermines the long-term goal of creating a sustainable and inclusive urban environment, as it concentrates growth in specific pockets rather than fostering a balanced, citywide expansion.
Fixed Maximum Unit Numbers
One of the most controversial changes under DAP is the restriction on the maximum number of residential units per plot.
Regardless of the demand or the flexibility of a design, this limitation severely affects developers and clients who aim to cater to diverse housing needs.
It restricts creativity in design and planning, forcing developers to adhere to rigid guidelines that may not align with market realities.
This policy could slow down the real estate sector, making it less adaptable to the dynamic housing demands of Dhaka's growing population.
Impact on Urban Dynamics
These new regulations could discourage innovative urban development and increase the cost of housing, particularly in areas with stricter FAR limitations.
Developers may hesitate to invest in challenging areas, leading to uneven development across the city.
Housing projects, already challenging to execute in Dhaka, may face even more significant hurdles under the DAP framework.
A Need for Balanced Regulations
We believe regulations like DAP should aim to balance sustainability with flexibility. While we understand the intent behind these changes, their rigid application may create long-term challenges for Dhaka's real estate sector and urban development as a whole.
A more inclusive and adaptable framework is essential to ensure balanced growth that benefits developers, architects, and residents alike. Dhaka’s future lies in smart, flexible urban policies that encourage innovation rather than imposing one-size-fits-all restrictions.
Let’s work together to advocate for a better, more dynamic future for our city!
Download Link :
ECPS link = rajuk.ecps.gov.bd.
BNBC 2020 =
DAP 2022-2035 =
Emarot Nirman Bidhimala 2008 =
Emarot Nirman Bidhimala 2024 ( Draft ) = https://rajuk.gov.bd/site/notices/47fe07a2-74a5-484c-8b37-e1c79a5e2039/%E0%A6%A2%E0%A6%BE%E0%A6%95%E0%A6%BE-%E0%A6%AE%E0%A6%B9%E0%A6%BE%E0%A6%A8%E0%A6%97%E0%A6%B0-%E0%A6%87%E0%A6%AE%E0%A6%BE%E0%A6%B0%E0%A6%A4-%E0%A6%AC%E0%A6%BF%E0%A6%A7%E0%A6%BF%E0%A6%AE%E0%A6%BE%E0%A6%B2%E0%A6%BE%E0%A7%A8%E0%A7%A6%E0%A7%A8%E0%A7%AA-%E0%A6%96%E0%A6%B8%E0%A7%9C%E0%A6%BE
Stay updated with more insights on RAJUK regulations and construction news by following our blog at www.studio16architectsbd.com.
DAP 2022-2035 RAJUK FAR
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